Drury Therapy

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Alcohol and Sexual Dysfunction

Alcohol dependency (alcoholism) and sexual dysfunction is so rarely spoken about and has such little research. Alcohol is believed to be an aphrodisiac but in reality, it has damaging effects on all aspects of sexual function. Unfortunately, sexual problems with alcohol dependency are multi-faceted. In one study* it was discovered that 59% of alcohol dependant men experienced erectile dysfunction and 84% reported some level of sexual dysfunction related to alcohol abuse. In another study* showed that 54% of those experiencing alcoholism faced greater sexual dysfunction than heavy social drinkers (28%). In women, one study reported that 85% of alcohol dependent women experienced some form of sexual dysfunction and 74% suffered from continued sexual dysfunction during early recoveryStruggling with alcohol dependency is overwhelming enough but the consequences that come with it can feel insurmountable.
If you are someone struggling with any of the above please know that there are many ways to receive treatment and I implore you to disclose any dysfunction you may be experiencing. AA alongside therapy is a great combination, speaking to your doctor is a brave first step and one that could considerably assist you.
*If you wish to read any of the studies please do drop me a line.