Labiaplasty on the rise
A study carried out (linked below) explained that greater dissatisfaction with genital appearance was associated with higher genital image self-consciousness during sex, which, in turn, was associated with lower sexual esteem. Labiaplasty has been on the rise. It is the most common form of female genital cosmetic surgery and involves the surgical reduction of the Labia minora (the inner lips of the vulva). You may also know it by a few different names: 'vulva reshaping', 'vulva and vaginal rejuvenation', 'designer vagina' and even 'the barbie doll'. The most common motivator for surgery is, aesthetic concerns (71%), followed by physical/functional (63%) and sexual reasons (38%). Furthermore (39%) had experienced teasing in regard to their genital appearance, predominantly from ex-partners. Comparative scrutiny includes vulvas and there are ramifications to that.