Drury Therapy

Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy



I am constantly asked what Vaginismus is. It is a condition involving a muscle spasm in the pelvic floor muscles. It can make it painful, difficult, or impossible to have sexual intercourse, to undergo a gynecological exam, and to insert a tampon. Here are some basic facts surrounding Vaginismus:

There are different forms of vaginismus and symptoms vary between individuals.

Pain can range from mild to severe, and it can cause different sensations.

Vaginismus can result from emotional factors, medical factors, or both.

Treatment, which involves physical and emotional exercises, is usually effective

Vulva Loving


Ladies get to know yours. Explore it and educate yourself. Take a hand mirror and have a look. It may seem scary, it may seem uncomfortable but getting to know it will go a long way.

Some facts you say!?:

The vagina produces its own protective substances to get rid of unwanted fluids and bacteria. Avoid those feminine washes, they can unbalance your PH.

The G-spot wasn't 'officially' discovered till 1940. It's an area around 2 cm inside the top section of the vagina. Not every woman has it though.. so don't worry too much!

The average vagina is only around three inches in size and stretching to four when aroused. But is flexible to accommodate any size! Also they do shrink back to their natural size after birth.

World Aids Day

Yesterday was #worldaidsday. I have been wearing my ribbon since last year and I have had many people ask me what it represents.

It's always been an honour for me to be able to explain what it symbolises and what more is needed to be done to remove stigma.

Here are some facts done by PHE in 2016 on #hiv


42% of all people diagnosed with HIV were diagnosed late.

Late diagnosis is most common in certain groups, heterosexuals in particular

76% of people newly diagnosed have started antiviral treatment within 90 days.

So if you haven't go get yourself educated and tested. Alongside a ribbon so you can help inform others!