Drury Therapy

Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy

Harm in Therapy

Harm in Therapy is not a widely discussed topic. It is one that tends to be shroud in fear and shame by therapists. Which I believe has a lot to do with the public ramifications of a complaint....but that's for another day!

I think its important for us therapists to know that harm can be caused by anyone of us. None of us insusceptible, we all have capacity to inflict a wound.
We must keep this in mind not just in our work, but in our trainings (ensuring we are stretching our professional lense), our supervision (ensuring we are engaging reflexively and bringing in transference), our self-work (bringing our biases to therapy), and to our integrity (apologising for mistakes, working within our scope, being mindful of dynamics).
And let's be fair, a whole lot fecking more!

Writing this up wasn't easy, there was a dearth of articles. So apologies as this isn't as clear and multifaceted as I would like.