Drury Therapy

Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy

Filtering by Tag: Trauma

Vibes Week

Trauma and self-care

Central to the experience of trauma is helplessness, isolation and the feelings of the loss of control. In this first part of a two piece article, I discuss #selfcare in trauma recovery. More often than not, looking after your basic needs is the first thing to go while struggling to overcome and recover from trauma. In the aftermath of a traumatic experience, strategies for self care can massively assist with the recovery process.

Trauma; seeking support.

Following my last piece that focused on how to involve self-care following a trauma. This article is shining a spotlight on the ways in which you can seek outside support. A way by which you can gradually recover from your experience. In general recovery is the ability to live in the present without being overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings of the past.